Our partners

Discover the researchers, friends of HLU, who are taking part in our reflection on leadership guided by the intelligence of the heart.

Marie-Christine Villagordo
Marie-Christine Villagordo is the founder of Human Exponentiel, a structure dedicated to collective intelligence facilitation.
She helps companies to create and run laboratories for employee and managerial innovation, collaborative spaces where new forms of organization, management, and talent development take shape. This work enables her to explore weak signals and monitor major socio-cultural trends, while studying the psycho-social development of human beings. These observations enrich her reflections and guide her work.
From 2017 to 2019, she collaborated with renowned sociologist Alain de Vulpian, awarded the Prix de l’Académie Française in 2016 for his book Éloge de la métamorphose, en marche vers une nouvelle humanité.
Since 2023, she has been involved with Heart Leadership University in action research around the metamorphosis of leaders and companies, focusing on the resonance of influence phenomena in the transition to a contributive economy. She is also following the third promotion of HLU’s Du Coeur aux Actes program, to assess the impact of this pathway on participants’ leadership, particularly in terms of personal and professional transformation.

Amal Marc
Amal Marc is founder of Sublimis, an independent consultancy specializing in impact projects for innovative business leaders.
She is a member of the ethics committee for several EU Horizon2020 research programs involving the use of AI, and a researcher on the future of the human-machine relationship in the AI era. Her multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural approach places ethics at the heart of her approach, which aims to build and maintain a fair dialogue with the different ecosystems that rub up against each other in a world of polycrisis.
Holder of several international certifications and diplomas, she has worked for major private groups and public institutions such as CNIL, Capgemini, EDF and the French aerospace group Safran.
Today, she divides her time between consulting assignments, solidarity projects, and research into her core areas of study: human rights and digital ethics, eco-responsibility, and economic engineering.
Cloé Hercé
Chloé joined the world of research following a career in human rights and project management. She is particularly interested in the behavioral and contextual foundations of leadership, influenced by the evolutionary theories of Mark Van Vugt*.
Her professional career has been marked by involvement in a variety of structures, ranging from the public sector to major corporations, where she has tackled issues such as prison conditions, territorial policy, and human resources.
Chloé is convinced that the humanities can coexist harmoniously with business performance. She adopts a bioinspired approach, using examples from the living world to illuminate concepts, which fosters public understanding and interest.
She is also involved in the organization of bioinspired events, called “Émerveillement matinal”.
*Professor of Evolutionary, Occupational and Organizational Psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Stéphane Labranche
Stéphane La Branche is a climate sociologist and scientific coordinator of GIECO/IPBC. He co-directed our study “Intelligence du Coeur, freins et leviers”.
His research in the social sciences of climate and energy (nearly 40) earned him the position of “expert reviewer” for the 5th and 6th IPCC reports. He explores the obstacles and drivers (habits, social representations, daily constraints, institutional functioning…) to changes in practices and operations of institutions (companies, associations, and public authorities) in terms of climate, energy, and air quality, in order to propose appropriate and effective responses.
The operational results of this research have been incorporated into 2050 scenarios, policies, and transition projects for private operators (energy suppliers and technicians), public bodies (ministries and local authorities), and associations (EIEs, ALECs, etc.).
Geneviève Férone
Geneviève is co-founder of Prophil, a research and strategy consultancy firm dedicated to accelerating companies’ contribution to the common good, which co-produced our study “Le pouvoir du cœur, étude d’impact et réflexions sur la transformation de la gouvernance des entreprises par l’intelligence du cœur”.
Formerly Sustainable Development Director at Eiffage and Veolia, expert in strategic foresight, social responsibility, and territorial ecology.
Specialist in extra-financial rating and evaluation, founder of ARESE, France’s first extra-financial rating agency, in 1997.
Lecturer at Centrale Supélec on circular economy and industrial ecology. Author of “le crépuscule fossile” (Stock 2015), “Bienvenue en transhumanie” (with Jean-Didier Vincent. Grasset, 2011) and “2030, le krach écologique” (Grasset, 2008).
Former Vice-President of FNH, Vice-President TSP, The Shift Project, think tank on energy transition.
Laure Lucchesi
Laure co-directed our study “Leading with the intelligence of the heart in the age of artificial intelligence”.
Laure is a specialist in AI, data, and digital issues.
A lecturer at Sciences Po Paris and author of books and ministerial reports, she deciphers the impact of technologies on democracy, society, and the economy.
Former Director of Etalab (“Chief Data & IA Officer” to the Prime Minister), she notably created the French government’s “Lab IA” and participated in the drafting of French and European digital regulations.
Currently an entrepreneur, she also advises COMEX and major companies on their data and AI transformation.
Carine Dartiguepeyrou
Carine Dartiguepeyrou holds a doctorate in political science, is president of the Observatoire des valeurs association and a senior associate at Kairios.
She is the author of the research report “Le leadership par le cœur, une approche par les valeurs”.
Carine co-founded the Observatoire des valeurs in France, which aims to promote training and research in values-based analysis.
Carine carries out foresight missions for major groups and public institutions, helping them to think ahead, devise strategic scenarios, design and run ideas and innovation laboratories, draw up strategic and HR foresight missions (impact on professions and skills), anticipate socio-cultural changes…
She has written or edited a dozen foresight books, including most recently “Un autre monde est possible, Lost in transitions?” (with Gilles Berhault, Editions de l’Aube, 2018), “Territoires en transition énergétique et sociétal: quel rôle pour les dynamiques collectives en Pays de La Loire?” (collective, with Bernard Lemoult and Samuel Aubin, l’Harmattan, 2018) as well as “Le futur est déjà là” (Le bord de l’eau, 2017).
She is a member of the LASCO IdeaLab at Institut Mines-Télécom and visiting lecturer at IMT-BS, a member of the scientific cooperative Transition énergétique et sociétale at Mines Nantes, and a trustee of the Institut des Futurs souhaitables.
Pierre-Antoine Marti
Pierre-Antoine is Director of Studies at Futuribles, and heads up our prospective study “Les enjeux des SIA sur les décisions et la posture des dirigeants à horizon 2035”.
At the heart of his professional approach is the desire to put his analytical skills and proven project management experience to work for employers and customers.
His varied career has brought him into contact with many players in the economic, social, cultural and institutional spheres, always with the same emphasis on efficiency and intellectual added value.
Alongside these professional activities, in October 2016 he began a thesis on anticipation literature and representations of the future: work that offers him the opportunity to feed a global reflection on our times and its relationship to the future, as well as on the mechanisms of innovation, and to enrich a critical and theoretical apparatus on key questions confronting all the players in our societies.
Pierre-Antoine is also an expert for the APM (Association pour le progrès du management) on the theme of “anticipating and innovating with science fiction”.
Stéphane Hugon
Stéphane Hugon holds a PhD in sociology of culture and communication from Sorbonne University, Paris V, specializing in social identity processes in networked environments.
He heads the Eranos company – co-director of our study “Les imaginaires du leadership” – which conducts applied research on innovation and social transformation in the IT, finance, and luxury sectors in Asia and Europe.
Based in Paris and Seoul, Eranos currently runs permanent observatories in Asia (Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo) on luxury goods, cosmetics, retail, transport, and payment rituals.
Since 2011, Stéphane has also joined APM Organisation (apm.fr) as an expert and has met with over 300 business leaders, sharing a training module on social change and management tools.