
"I have thought a lot about the power that one "accumulates" at the head of an organisation, which one can gradually and unconsciously take for granted. However, it can profoundly change our relationship with others and deprive them of free speech when we meet them, and more generally of freedom and autonomy. I have worked to mitigate its effects as much as I could by gradually dispossessing myself of it."

"HLU, a founding experience, which shows the power of the heart to act on the world. I had a doubt, but now I know, with the exceptional human encounters that have taken place along the way, that this path of transformation is possible. I am learning to trust my intuitions, to feed them with concepts and tools to take action. At Bayard, we have just decided to become a company with a mission, and to set up an endowment fund to "act for a society of links". I sincerely thank HLU for helping me stay on course and look forward to the modules that are coming up and seem just as exciting and decisive. I can't wait for the pathway to be completed!
"Since the beginning of HLU, leading with heart and meaning has moved from INTUITION to LEGITIMATE...I feel less marginalized in this type of leadership and leading, courage and boldness has been enhanced."