Our short formats

its creation in 2021
HLU has been fulfilling its public-interest mission, on its educational side, through several formats
- The “Du Coeur aux Actes” (“From the Heart to Action”) course; a long, immersive course, with peer-to-peer teaching, designed to encourage the metamorphosis of managers and their companies towards a contributive economy.
- Short, highly-targeted formats on essential, topical themes

Decision-maker audiences
Over 60% of HLU’s target audiences are business leaders
- We have forged strong links with 8 executive networks and clubs, as well as with 3 pioneering Executive MBAs, who have integrated Heart Leadership into their curricula.
- We also deliver our content to Master's students at leading business schools, who are destined to become tomorrow's leaders.
- Finally, we have also responded to requests from specific audiences, such as company directors and family offices.

Tailor-made formats
By the end of 2024
- over 5,000 managers (and future managers) had attended conferences, inspiring testimonials, round-table discussions and, more recently, practical workshops, delivered by HLU experts and alumni.
- We're always keen to create or participate in innovative, high-impact formats.

Unique themes
The strategic topics addressed by HLU are :
- The fundamentals of Heart Leadership : intuition, courage, empathy.
- The levers of Heart Leadership in practice: governance, executive ethics, how to lead towards sustainable models, global performance accounting.
- and, since 2024, the challenge of making the right use of AI, by disseminating the findings of our study « Diriger avec l’intelligence du cœur à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle » - carried out in partnership with the Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants.

Would you like to benefit from HLU in your organization?
Click here to discuss with us the most appropriate format