
Isabelle Fontaine

Therapist, author, expert in intuition

Karine Conxicoeur

Coach, author, Director of Kadeis

Jacques Fradin

President of International Panel of Behavior Change

Hélène Le Teno

Executive Director of Jean-Noël Thorel Foundation, President of Heart Leadership University

Sylvain Breuzard

CEO and Founder of Norsys

Armin Steuernagel

Co founder of Purpose Foundation

Geneviève Ferone

Co founder of Prophil

Delphine Bottge

Purpose lawyer

Laurence Sellincourt

Foresight and Innovation Director

Frère Hugues Minguet


Dorothée Browaeys

Scientific Journalist

Miroslav Radman

Genetic biologist and researcher

Delphine Gibassier

Specialist in Financial Optimization and Sustainable Performance

Magali Sartre

Communication Director, Founder of Positives Practices, therapist

Alexis Nollet

Founder of Ulterïa

Christophe Certain

Co founder of Cours Ozanam

Clément Saint-Olive

Co founder of Alenvi

Pierre Guérin

General Secretary of AFIR (Décathlon family holding company)

Emmanuel Druon

Director of Pocheco

Louis Dupuy

Economist, specialist in the environmental and social sustainability of companies and regions