Our partners

HLU has forged strong ties with a growing community of synergistic actors, all of whom contribute to the transformation of leaders and a shift towards a contributive economy.
To discover our entire community, you can consult the descriptions of our cohorts (the 'From Heart to Action' program) and our 'speakers' section.
We highlight here the partners with whom we have signed a formal agreement: founding partners, educational and influential players, research entities, networks of leaders, etc.

The Jean-Noël Thorel Foundation endowment fund was created in 2014 by Jean-Noël Thorel. In 2018, Jean-Noël Thorel and Céline Nebout endowed it with the assets of the Jean-Noël Thorel Institution, the parent company responsible for the governance and control of NAOS. Its founder sought to establish an organization focused on aid and mutual support, aimed at realizing human potential to make the world a better place—specifically by empowering individuals to be themselves and by recognizing that the alignment of body, heart, and mind are essential factors for both personal and global health.

As a Think and Do Tank, ProPhil is a purpose-driven research and consulting firm dedicated to the contribution of businesses to the common good. It supports committed entrepreneurs in implementing alternative strategies. ProPhil’s mission is to explore new economic models in service of the common good and to support pioneering entrepreneurs.

The Values Observatory was founded in November 2015 by Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Anne Andrault, and Patrick Marant with the goal of promoting and developing analysis through value systems. The Values Observatory carries out monitoring, information, and training activities. It serves as a resource and study center for different systems of analysis through values, focusing on three main areas:

    • Values and Individuals: Committing to personal, professional, and spiritual development
    • Values and Organizations: Reconciling the economy and humanity through meaning
    • Values and Society

The International Panel on Behavior Change (IPBC) is a large international and interdisciplinary group of scientists focused on behavior. To optimize the scientific and societal relevance of the IPBC’s outputs, three working groups (WG) have been established: scientists (WG1), economic actors (WG2), and other stakeholders and institutions (WG3).
The IPBC’s objectives are to produce main and thematic reports that will summarize the state of the art in knowledge on behavior change related to the environment and to integrate multiple disciplines around behavior/human factors (HF) to make knowledge, indicators, and practices more robust and predictive for sustainable, desirable, and fair transitions.

Love for Livres is the first search engine for books based on emotions—or emotions based on books.
Books have power. Neuroscience shows how they can improve our relationships with others, create social connections, help us feel better, and strengthen our cognitive abilities. Reading a book can change our lives. Love for Livres is a social enterprise that shares and gives these powers to readers by approaching books differently, through what defines our shared humanity: our emotions. To achieve this, Love for Livres relies on innovative tools based on neurocognitive and behavioral approaches.

Eranos is a strategic consulting firm that bridges the gap between business and the humanities, specializing in Societal Transformation. For 15 years, across more than 10 countries, we have helped corporations transform by pursuing more socially contributive models, focusing on supporting life alongside the commercial and production activities necessary for business. By striving for both growth and the sustainability of the planet, we enable the sustainable development of businesses.

PURPOSE work for, with, and around steward-ownership every day. Since they first defined and named the steward-ownership model in 2016, they have been at the heart of the ecosystem – inspiring, enabling, and supporting key players on their journey to steward-ownership.

PURPOSE is best viewed as a network of various entities. Each of our Purpose entities is dedicated to breaking down the barriers to steward-ownership, making it accessible to everyone.

They are convinced that steward-ownership contributes to an economy fit for the 21st century.